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Yo copie esto.......
(13 de Diciembre de 2002, a las 01:05)

Actor Elijah Wood Thurs., Dec. 12 at 3pm PT, 4pm MTN, 5pm CT, 6pm ET Check out the official site for Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers http://g.msn.com/2CHENUS/2_1356454_02

Elijah_Wood_Live says: children at the time and their perspective.
IndieDontCare in Onstage_1 asks: I just got turned down for the part of Lady Macbeth in the school play. How do you you react if you dont get a part that you really wanted?
Elijah_Wood_Live says: First off, I'm really sorry you got turned down, that's aweful. I think if you're looking forward to a role and it doesn't work out, it can be disappointing at the moment but I think what's meant to be will be. I look back on movies I couldn't be a part
Elijah_Wood_Live says: of that I really wanted to do, it left me open to do something else that I really enjoyed doing. It can be disappointing, but there's always something else, hopefully.
Elijah_Wood_Live says: It can be. I don't know. I feel like if I'm not cast in something and they don't want me to be a part of it, then that's ok. They want someone else, and they'll do good. I wanted to be a part of "Rushmore" and I'm glad now that I wasn't in it because
Elijah_Wood_Live says: Jason was awesome.
Màrr¡_Xmৠin Onstage_1 asks: Hi Elijah, did you read "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy when you were younger? And if so, what were your emotions when you found out you had a role in the film?
Elijah_Wood_Live says: Jason was awesome.
DishDiva says: gigaladriel in MSN_AoVivo1 asks: Did you already know the J.R.R.TOLKIEN books before the invitation for the movie?
Elijah_Wood_Live says: Yes, I read "The Hobbit" but not "Lord of the Rings" until I got there. The excitement of getting the role was pure and I didn't need the emotional connection with the book to have the profound connection I had. I wanted to work with Peter Jackson, I also
Elijah_Wood_Live says: really wanted to play Frodo, and to go to New Zealand.
DishDiva says: RogerRoque in MSN_AoVivo1 asks: In which ways do you resemble Frodo?
Elijah_Wood_Live says: That's a difficult question, eqating qualities or yourself and character. I relate to him because he has a worldliness coming from stories from Bilbo. So I related to that being able to travel around and learn from people. Also what makes him a hobbit,
Elijah_Wood_Live says: love of food, land, and I apply that to my life as well.
DishDiva says: For all you girls out there. . .
Crazy_Sexy_Cool88 in Onstage_1 asks: We hear that you're a real romantic, what sort of thing do you do to make a girl feel loved?
Elijah_Wood_Live says: I don't know. I am a real romantic, not in the classical, or cliche like flowers all the time, but I think I'm romantic in the sense I believe in passion and the moment, and words that mean something in a special way. I guess I'm really tactile and I love
Elijah_Wood_Live says: the sense of touch from someone you care about. And expressing one's emotion in an honest way and that can be romantic. I think one of the most romantic things is waking up to someone in the morning, I find that beautiful.
Elijah_Wood_Live says: waking up next to someone in the morning.
DishDiva says: Wow. OK!
Mariand6 in Onstage_1 asks: what gift would you like to have?
Elijah_Wood_Live says: It's funny, this year has been difficult to think of one thing I want. I enjoy DVDs and books. This year I want a Palm Pilot, I'm a bit of a pack rat and lose things easily so to have something to organize my life would be beneficial. Or a new video
Elijah_Wood_Live says: camera, mines a bit out of date.
DishDiva says: Elijah, thank you for joining us tonight on MSN Live!
DishDiva says: From all of your fans from around the world best of luck with "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers."
Elijah_Wood_Live says: Good night, good morning, good afternoon, thank you so much for waiting so long to chat with me. It's been so much fun for me and brilliant and a nice respite from the normal junket questions. I appreciate your love and support.
The chat's topic has changed to: Star Trek: Nemesis, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Patrick Stewart Wed., Dec. 18 at 12:30pm MTN, 1:30pm CT, 2:30pm ET
DishDiva says: Thank you to Elijah Wood for joining us tonight on MSN Live!
DishDiva says: Thanks also to the many fans who joined us. For those of you who are joining us in the middle of the night, you can now go to sleep.
8Thank you! Our guest has received your question and will make every effort to answer it. However, due to the large number of questions submitted, not all questions can be answered.
DishDiva says: Thanks to tonight's great team of MSN Live hosts--Trish, Budd and Gareth. (applause)
MSNLive_Bot : Check out these great deals on Lord of the Rings merchandise http://shopping.msn.com/marketplace.aspx?mpId=5073&catId=0&pmpType=0&ptnrid=5&ptnrdata=121202
DishDiva says: That was fun! Never knew Elijah was so romantic, did you?
MSNLive_Bot : Check out the official site for Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers http://g.msn.com/2CHENUS/2_1356454_02
DishDiva says: Would you like to get a comment onstage for Elijah?
DishDiva says: Click the submit question button and enter your comment now.

Arwen_Undomiel (Medio-Elfo)

Saqueador (106 mensajes)

Fundadora de Q.N.M.Y.T.D.A.V.L.V.E.E.C. (queremos, nos merecemos y tenemos derecho a ver las versiones extendidas en Chile)

U i vethed, na i onnad
A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas
Desde el 28 de Abril de 2002

Elijah Wood chateando?? - Ganapie (13/12/02 00:15)
    joderrrrr - El_Montaraz_Ulo (13/12/02 00:20)
      el link perdon - Ganapie (13/12/02 00:23)
        vale cojonudo s/t :) - Istarelendur (13/12/02 00:24)
    el link please s/t - Marjan (13/12/02 00:21)
    Elijah Wood chateando?? - Ganapie (13/12/02 00:25)
      Perdon por los nervios - Ganapie (13/12/02 00:31)
    NO PUEDO ENTRAR - El_Montaraz_Ulo (13/12/02 00:25)
    PT MRDA!!!! Si es el!!!!!!! - Kazad-Dum (13/12/02 00:31)
      ES VERDAD AHHHH¡¡¡¡¡ - Marjan (13/12/02 00:35)
      joer!!!!! hace cuanto ha empezado?? - catwise (13/12/02 00:36)
        yo no se ingles pero - Istarelendur (13/12/02 00:37)
          yo no se ingles pero - Reneg@de (13/12/02 00:42)
        Podeis Enviar Preguntas.... - Kazad-Dum (13/12/02 00:37)
          como entrais AYUDA!!!! - El_Montaraz_Ulo (13/12/02 00:40)
            Tranqui..ya el tipo ha dicho adios! - Kazad-Dum (13/12/02 00:42)
            ya se acabo :_( - catwise (13/12/02 00:42)
          acaba de terminar oHHH s/t - Marjan (13/12/02 00:41)
            Lo ultimo que dijo - Marjan (13/12/02 00:42)
              Yo he podido copiar esto - Istarelendur (13/12/02 00:48)
                Yo copie esto....... - Arwen_Undomiel (13/12/02 01:05)
              Lo ultimo que dijo - Lily_Bleecker_Bolson (13/12/02 10:08)
    Odio a los hobbits! - Thorin (13/12/02 00:43)
      q bruto...XD - catwise (13/12/02 00:50)
    ¿qué está pasando? - Istarelendur (13/12/02 01:06)
      son comentarios - catwise (13/12/02 01:13)
        y sabes si - Istarelendur (13/12/02 01:15)
          mañana ponen la transcripcion - catwise (13/12/02 01:19)
            mañana ponen la transcripcion - Thorin (13/12/02 01:21)
              jajajaja s/t - Istarelendur (13/12/02 01:23)
              q majete...grrr...;-) (s/t) - catwise (13/12/02 01:40)
    ¿pero eso no fue AYER? - Tintallë (13/12/02 01:56)
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! - Lobelia Tuk (13/12/02 03:04)
      Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! - Lily_Bleecker_Bolson (13/12/02 10:12)
    Elijah Wood chateando?? - Lily_Bleecker_Bolson (13/12/02 10:06)
      Joder,joder joder - rowainy (13/12/02 11:32)

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