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(08 de Enero de 2004, a las 20:33)

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How did the One Ring compare to Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung?
(last revised 23 May 2002 )
Tolkien wrote in a letter: "Both rings were round, and there the resemblance ceases." [L #229 (306)] But you have to consider the historical context. A Dr. Ohlmarks had produced an error-riddled Swedish translation of The Lord of the Rings, with an introduction containing such gems as the remark that Sauron was an allegory of Stalin. Specifically, the quote from Letter 229 was Tolkien's response to Ohlmarks' claim that Sauron's Ring "is in a certain way 'der Nibelungen Ring'." Perhaps Tolkien's justified irritation led him to go for the memorable one-sentence rebuttal, even if it was not strictly accurate.
No, Sauron's Ring was not Alberich's Ring: Tolkien did not consciously borrow from Wagner, he was not writing an allegory of Wagner or of anything else, there were major differences between the two Rings, and the two plots are quite different. Most notably, the central theme of The Lord of the Rings is the quest to destroy Sauron's Ring; nobody in the Nibelungenlied even thinks of destroying Alberich's Ring. Also, of course, the One Ring started as an invisibility device, and Wagner's Ring did not make its wearer invisible. Further, Tolkien's idea of the Ring as the ruler of other Rings, a device for enslaving their bearers, has no counterpart in Wagner at all.
But certainly there are similarities between the two Rings. ("A Tsar Is Born" even makes a plausible case for Tolkien in fact having done some subconscious borrowing and gives some background on Wagner and his sources. [r.a.b.t article, 11 Apr 2002, available here]. In a later article [r.a.b.t article, 17 May 2002, available here], he goes on to say that Wagner invented the idea of one Ring to rule the world "forty years before Tolkien was born", and that Tolkien came up with his idea of a Ruling Ring years after attending performances of Wagner's Ring cycle. Anyone who wishes to claim that Wagner had no influence at all on Tolkien must somehow get past those facts. (Some have pointed out that rings of power are a common myth; but "a ring of power" is not the same thing as "a Ring to rule the world".) The thread Wagner and Tolkien in r.a.b.t contains a lot of fascinating background on the Northern legends.)
Pace Tolkien, it seems clear to me that the resemblance between the two Rings does not cease with the fact that "both were round." Here are some similar points:

Alberich's Ring
Bearer can become master of the world.
The Ring was cursed, and brought misfortune to each of its bearers.
Fafner killed his brother Fasolt to get the Ring, then took it and hid in a cave for many years.
The driving force of the story is Wotan's efforts to get the Ring back.
The Ring's history ends when its former bearer Siegfried is burned in a funeral pyre, and Valhalla and all the gods burn too, and the Rhinemaidens take the ring beneath the waters. Men henceforth rule the world, with the gods gone.

Sauron's Ring
Bearer can become master of the world.
The Ring was evil, and corrupted each of its bearers (except Sam, who bore it only briefly).
Sméagol killed his friend Déagol to get the Ring, then took it and hid in caves under the Misty Mountains for many years.
The driving force of the story is Sauron's efforts to get the Ring back.
The Ring's history ends when its former bearer Gollum falls into the volcano while holding it and is burned to death. Men henceforth rule the world, with the Elves departing.

Doubtless there are other similarities too. But as far as we are aware, Tolkien did not consciously borrow from the Nibelungenlied or Wagner's version of it in any significant way.

Fëanor666 (Elfo Noldo)

Senescal (1153 mensajes)

Éomer miró a los caídos y recordó sus nombres. De pronto vio a Éowyn, su hermana y la reconoció. Quedó un instante en suspenso, como un hombre herido en el corazón por una flecha en la mitad de un grito. Una palidez cadavérica le cubrió el rostro y una furia mortal se alzó en él y por un momento no pudo decir nada. Parecía que había perdido la razón.
¡Éowyn, Éowyn! gritó ¿Cómo llegaste aquí? ¿Qué locura es ésta, qué artificio diabólico? ¡Muerte, muerte, muerte! ¡Que la muerte nos lleve a todos!
Desde el 02 de Diciembre de 2002

ESDLA ispirada por Wagner - betel_geuse (08/01/04 19:17)
    ESDLA ispirada por Wagner - Eorl (08/01/04 20:03)
    A ver - Fëanor666 (08/01/04 20:09)
    mmm - Andira Gandalfa (08/01/04 20:14)
      Más datos - Fëanor666 (08/01/04 20:33)
        Y yo que siempre he encontrado - Idril_Itarillë (08/01/04 21:24)
          También, es cierto. - Fëanor666 (08/01/04 21:35)
            De todas maneras... - Pengolodh el Sabio (08/01/04 22:35)
          Bueno - Andira Gandalfa (08/01/04 22:30)
    ESDLA ispirada por Wagner - Pengolodh el Sabio (08/01/04 22:29)
      ESDLA ispirada por Wagner - Hilda (09/01/04 00:08)
      Claro, Pengolodh :) - Idril_Itarillë (09/01/04 21:02)
        Pues... - Pengolodh el Sabio (09/01/04 23:54)

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