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Who is Emiliana Torrini?????
(31 de Octubre de 2002, a las 18:13)

Pues para empezar no es familia mía aunque lo parezca XDDD : -P
He estado mirando por aquí noticias de ella y la verdad es q en la red no hay el más leve rastro de rumor... al menos q yo haya encontrado.

Lo más reciente q he visto de ella es su participación en un disco, me parece.
Aquí está la reseña (ella sale un poco más abajo):

Thievery Corporation: The Richest Man in Babylon (Eighteenth Street Lounge)

There are so many reasons to hate Thievery Corporation. For one, they popularized the "swinger/cocktail/downtempo/boutique music" that appears on cookie-cutter compilations released by everyone from Banana Republic to Starbucks. They wear suits when they DJ. And many who have seen the duo live regard them as two of the worst DJs around -- stories about records stopping and dead air are plentiful when it comes to Thievery live sets. That said, they are still two damn good producers, as evident on their new record, The Richest Man in Babylon. The follow-up to their ridiculously successful Mirror Conspiracy (2000), which sold more than 350,000 copies worldwide, finds the Washington, D.C., boys back with more of their now-signature sound. Eric Hilton and Rob Garza mold dub, jazz, trip-hop and bossa nova into the lounge-friendly sound that has made them the most popular of all downtempo acts. The Richest Man in Babylon showcases the duo's ability to incorporate a large selection of guest vocalists into their repertoire. The record opens with the stunning "Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes," featuring the beautiful voice of Iceland's Emiliana Torrini. The second track, "Facing East," sees Thievery trotting down a path they know well: combining the unmistakable voice of Pamela Bricker (as heard on their classic "Lebanese Blonde," from Mirror Conspiracy) and various Middle Eastern sounds, they have created another Thievery classic. "Global" is really the theme of this album -- Icelandic vocalists on one track, Persian sounds on another, French on the next and a wide range of soul, Eastern and Jamaican influences throughout. The more reggae-influenced tracks don't work, but the jazzier ones are flawless; "All That We Perceive" is the highlight. The guitar and horns that intersect with Bricker's dreamy voice work to perfection. This is a great record for anyone who likes a bit of international flavor with his or her jazz.
Also Try: Thievery Corporation: The Mirror Conspiracy; Kruder & Dorfmeister: The K&D Sessions


No está dado de alta, o tiene registro antiguo

Who is Emiliana Torrini????? - kano92 (31/10/02 17:52)
    Vaya vaya... - Dimthulë (31/10/02 17:59)
      Vaya vaya... - kano92 (31/10/02 18:07)
    Who is Emiliana Torrini????? - aredhel (31/10/02 18:07)
      Gracias, pero....... - kano92 (31/10/02 18:08)
    Who is Emiliana Torrini????? - Emilioaragorn (31/10/02 18:13)
      Se me olvidaba... - Emilioaragorn (31/10/02 18:14)
        Gracias, majo... - kano92 (31/10/02 18:18)
      Who is Emiliana Torrini????? - Aredhel (31/10/02 18:18)
    Who is Emiliana Torrini????? - Elfstone (31/10/02 18:18)
      Entonces de Enya nada... - chronoscrom (31/10/02 18:48)
        tengo su canción "to be free" - JosiGollum (31/10/02 20:18)
          tengo su canción - Elfstone (01/11/02 00:04)
    Take me down, six underground - Tintallë (01/11/02 00:34)

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