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Mail de lordoftherings.net
(05 de Diciembre de 2002, a las 20:35)

A mi me mandaron un mail hace una semana (t lo mandan si compraste la banda sonora de LCDA y t registrabas en la pagina) y decia esto:

The soundtrack to The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers will be in stores on December 10th. The album features an original score by Howard Shore, plus “Gollum’s Song” performed by Emiliana Torrini. Other vocal performances by Isabel Bayrakdarian, Sheila Chandra, Ben Del Maestro and Elizabeth Fraser are also included.

Because you purchased the first Lord of the Rings CD and signed up to the mailing list, we're offering an Internet-only Limited Edition of The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers enhanced-CD soundtrack. There are only 5000 available, so act fast. Pre-order the Internet Limited Edition now exclusively online now for $29.98. If you order right now, you will receive it by December 10th. This album will NOT be in-stores, so get it online now.
Click here to pre-order the album!

The Internet Limited Edition enhanced-CD features special customized packaging including a deluxe leatherette cover, five collectable trading cards highlighting characters from the film and an exclusive 25-page booklet. Plus, this edition has the previously unheard bonus track, “Farewell to Lòrien,” featuring Hilary Summers.

Also included exclusively on this Limited Edition enhanced-CD:

- Printable maps of Middle-earth and of Rohan & Gondor
- Printable character art from The Two Towers
- Two online trading cards

Plus, these other special enhancements:

- The Two Towers movie trailer
- The Two Towers image gallery
- Lyrics & poems
- Score music video and "Making of the Score" video
- Screensavers, buddy icons & more

Pre-order it now!

Other editions of the Two Towers original motion picture soundtrack will be available in stores on December 10th, 2002:

- The standard jewel-box enhanced CD soundtrack
- The Special Edition enhanced CD soundtrack with exclusive extras

Go to lordoftherings-soundtrack.com to learn more.

Y aqui no mencionan nada sobre el trailer, aunque la verdad ojala q fuese cierto, ya q yo me muero d ganas por ver aunque sean 20 s d ERDR


No está dado de alta, o tiene registro antiguo

Trailer de ERDR!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Hiliat (05/12/02 18:36)
    comorllllllll? - legolas25 (05/12/02 18:39)
    Trailer de ERDR!!!!!!!!!!!!! - elwoodhobbit (05/12/02 18:39)
    Seamos un poco sensatos... - Dimthulë (05/12/02 18:41)
      Ya pero... - elwoodhobbit (05/12/02 18:44)
        Pues... - Hiliat (05/12/02 18:46)
          Pues... - elwoodhobbit (05/12/02 18:49)
    No se si creermelo - netoak (05/12/02 18:45)
      No creo que sea un error... - Hiliat (05/12/02 18:49)
        El ejemplo de Matrix Reloaded - Nirnaeth (05/12/02 20:24)
    Mail de lordoftherings.net - _Sauron_era_heavy_ (05/12/02 20:35)

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