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Yo lo siento, pero....
(20 de Julio de 2003, a las 19:51)

Lamentablemente Warren, creo que yo sé un poco más de Blind Guardian de lo que tu crees... a ver coloquemos pruebas (entrevista al más interesado en el tema, el guitarrista André Olbrich [2002])


HMU : What do you think of the movie Lord of the rings ?

AO : I've only seen a few scenes. Since we have done the album, we have a very hard schedule and no time for me to see it. But Hansi and Thomen told me it’s the best movie ever and hopefully, I will see it this week end.

HMU : Didn’t you get the opportunity to write songs for it ?

AO : There was contact in 99 during the time we heard that there will be a movie and we had material writen for a side project, orchestral music without the metal part. We thought we could maybe offer this to them. I thought we couldn’t write for all the movie, it would be too much, but maybe provide some things. Unfortunately, Hansi had his problem with his ears and they had already a fixed schedule and they said "you can offer a demo in 2 weeks" and we decided we couldn’t do this. So the chance was gone but anyhow the material we have is pretty nice and what we will do will be independant from the movie. It’s somehow connected to the Tolkien world too and I think we could offer something pretty nice, maybe in 2 years.


Bien ahora Marcus habla de como se involucraron en el tema:

Now how did Blind Guardian get involved in this. Were you approached for this or did you volunteer for it?

The internet brought us in. There are a lot of fan sites on which they had voting polls who should be doing the soundtrack, on these lists there were people like John Williams and other Composers like him, guys like Mike Oldfield and Vangelis, and also Blind Guardian. Well, even though some people had the opinion that it would be a shame if a “Kraut Crap Metal band” would do the music we got the most votes on almost all of these sites, some of them did interviews with us and I guess that got us the attention of the producers. They had no idea who we are but the enthusiasm of the fans made them curious about us. We managed to get in contact with them but we immediately should have sent them a tape with some of our songs, which we unfortunately didn´t do. Well, as I said before, in the end they decided not to take us but they will be sorry when they get to hear some of our songs, we have a lot of material that would have been perfect for the movie J ( By the way, the material we are talking about now is not the stuff for the next album, we have some more songs that are much more “classical”, they all deal with the Lord of the rings and they all have a soundtrack like character…as I said, they would have been perfect)

Esto es solo una muestra de que lamentablemente Warren... yo no me baso en rumores para hablar... o escribir


No está dado de alta, o tiene registro antiguo

canción para el final ERDR. - Dunedain-Elessar (19/07/03 00:44)
    Gollum's Song REV - Shautar (19/07/03 00:50)
    En esto le doy luz verde a PJ...XD - Gilgalad (19/07/03 00:55)
      Sobre BG y la película... - Giliath (19/07/03 02:40)
        la B.S.O. de l2t es mejor qe LCDA - silvano (19/07/03 16:27)
        Mmmm ¿seguro? - Warren Keffer (19/07/03 17:44)
      Gil Galda.... - Warren Keffer (19/07/03 17:46)
    Lo siento, pero.... - Warren Keffer (19/07/03 17:30)
      Yo lo siento, pero.... - Giliath (20/07/03 19:51)
        Gracias :P - Warren Keffer (22/07/03 02:08)

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