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Aqui toda la informacion
(03 de Noviembre de 2003, a las 19:10)

Entiendo que a todos nos interesa esta informacion traducida, pero no he tenido tiempo para hacerlo y pido a alguien que pueda que por favor lo haga.

ROTK Visual Companion -

Regarding Aragorn facing Sauron via the Palantir:

"But instead, Sauron offers Aragorn a terrible vision: of his beloved , pale and lifeless, bereft of her elven immortality. The Evenstar, the jewel that Arwen gave to Aragorn as a token of their love, shatters. Far away across ME, the effect of this sorcery is felt: the power of the Evenstar is broken. But to embrace a life on ME and live as a mortal with herlove was the choice that Arwen had already made. Even Sauron's malice cannot destroy their love."

Paths of the Dead: "Ghastly bony hands clutch at them out of the chill darkness; fog swirls; voices wail. All around them are the dead: their king and row upon row of his spectral warriors. As they gather for attack, Aragorn draws the Sword Reforged and claims their allegiance anew, promising in exchange for their duty that he will release them from their living death. They listen; and they follow..."

Regarding the Tower of Cirith Ungol, it mentions the Watchers outside of the tower. "Each of the statues boasts three vulture heads, and the heads face inward, outward and across the gateway, ready to sound an alarm if any intruder or spy should pass."

There is a great pic of Sam struggling underneath Shelob.

My favorite photo is on of Frodo Sam and Gollum on the bridge in front of Minas Morgul before the Witch King's army sets out.

Description of Grond: "At over 100 ft in length, it is as long as a forest tree, and it swings on huge iron chains. Its head is fashioned of black steel in the likeness of a ravening wolf, and fire shoots from its eyes. Four mountain trolls draw it forth. Trolls will wield the weapon, and Orcs will defend it, and the Witch-king of Angmar will direct its use."

Here's some quotes:

'Mordor: this city has dwelt ever in sight of that shadow.'

'It is before the walls of Minas Tirith that the doom of our time will be decided!'

'The rule of Gondor is mine, and no other's!' Denethor

'Boromir was loyal to me and no wizard's pupil' Denethor to Faramir?

'The houses of dead are no places for the living'

'No army of Sauron has ever crossed the Anduin, not while the men of Gondor have held the passage of the river'

'Sauron will have not forgotten the sword of Elendil...The blade that broke shall return to Minas Tirith' Aragorn or Elrond?

'The dead are following...I see shapes of men and of horses and pale banners like shreds of clouds, and spears like thickets on a misty night'

'Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me' Pippin

'Courage will now be your best defense against the storm that is at hand' Gandalf?

'Say to Denethor that in this hour the King of the Mark himself will come down to the land of Gondor, though may be he will not ride back' Theoden

'Do not come between the Nazgul and his prey!'

'There may come a day when the courage of men fails...an hour of wolves before the Age of Men comes crashing down - but it will not be this day! This day we fight!' Aragorn

'Master carries heavy burden...Smeagol knows: Smeagol carried burden many years.' Possible transition to flashback??

Gollum on Minas Morgul: 'Ruined city, yes, very nasty place, full of enemies'

'There's something worse than Gollum about. I can feel something looking at us'

'I must have something to do before the end. I must see it through...' Sam

'There is no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I see it even with my waking eyes...' Frodo

'Destroy it now...throw it into the fire!' Sam

'I have made my choice...' Frodo

Weapons & Warfare

Interesting and vague bit about Saruman in the Weapons and Warfare book:

"But when the first people to return to Isengard were Theoden, Aragorn and Gandalf the White, Saruman knew that all his plans for domination had failed. Scholars still disagree over the fate of the White Wizard. Some maintain that instead of falling at Orthanc under Wormtongue's dagger, he was struck down in the shire..."

Pippin's and Merry's elven daggers were discarded by the raiding party of Uruk hai.

So, it looks like Merry uses the sword given to him by Theoden. It says this sword was used by Theoden when he was a boy. Merry also wears Theoden's childhood armor.

Frodo gives Sting to Sam before leaving over the sea. It became an heirloom of the Gamgee family.

From section on Dunaharrow:

'At this time, Elrond arrived at Theoden's tent with a mighty gift for Aragorn. He had brought with him the shards of Narsil, now reforged by the smiths of Rivendell as Anduril, "Flame of the West".

So, according to this book, no Arwen anywhere near Dunharrow

On the mouth of Sauron: "His final parley was with Aragorn, who concluded negotiations in decisive fashion, proving that his weapon was stronger that his opponent's"

It also states that Aragorn slew a mighty cave troll at the black gates.

It says that Aragorn led a force of 500 to the Black Gates. The force of the enemy was between 200,000 and 300,000.

Some cool details regarding the Army of the Dead at Pelennor:

"The Dead Men glowed with a sick green phosphorescence, and when they attacked, they surged and rolled over the thralls of Mordor in successive vaporous waves, screaming an unearthly scream. The spectres moved faster than their enemy could run, and when they swung their weapons, they left a trail of vapor behind them."

"Instead of drawing blood from their victims, the Dead Men's weapons seemed to suck the very life out of them."




No está dado de alta, o tiene registro antiguo

El rumor se confirma MUY REV - elnuevofrodo (03/11/03 17:41)
    ...y yo traduzco (más o menos) - Dimthulë (03/11/03 17:48)
    Eehhh?? - arwen78 (03/11/03 17:49)
      Te has leido el libro??? REV - elnuevofrodo (03/11/03 17:55)
        Te has leido el libro??? REV - arwen78 (03/11/03 18:00)
          Te has leido el libro??? REV - (Elessar) (03/11/03 18:20)
    hombre... - (Elessar) (03/11/03 18:15)
    pozí REV - kano92 (03/11/03 18:19)
      resitiré - Aragorn24 (03/11/03 18:22)
      pozí REV - Elendil de Númenórë (03/11/03 18:30)
        di q si Elendil - Aragorn24 (03/11/03 18:42)
        pues yo no veo el problema...rev - Huzo (03/11/03 18:48)
          me parece muy bien - Aragorn24 (03/11/03 18:53)
            no tires por ahi, Aragorn24.... - (Elessar) (03/11/03 19:04)
              tranqui.... - Huzo (03/11/03 19:16)
                si yo tranqui estoy ;) - (Elessar) (03/11/03 19:24)
              joder... - Aragorn24 (03/11/03 19:22)
                joder... - (Elessar) (03/11/03 19:32)
                  De todas formas... - (Elessar) (03/11/03 19:37)
            me parece muy bien - Huzo (03/11/03 19:10)
              no me ha parecido un rollo REV - Aragorn24 (03/11/03 19:24)
                De eso me quejo REV - Huzo (03/11/03 19:34)
      pozí REV - (Elessar) (03/11/03 18:35)
        bueno..... REV - kano92 (03/11/03 18:41)
    Aqui toda la informacion - elnuevofrodo (03/11/03 19:10)
      ¡ahhhhhhhh!!!! - kano92 (03/11/03 19:19)
      Aqui toda la informacion - Mithrandhir (03/11/03 19:26)
      su osadia es peor de lo q creia REV - Aragorn24 (03/11/03 19:41)
        no me salen las cuentas REV - elf-moon (03/11/03 19:49)
          tranquila...REV - kano92 (03/11/03 20:07)
      Normas del foro - Adminforo (03/11/03 19:49)
      Imposible REV - arathar (03/11/03 19:58)

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