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Foro de las películas de El Señor de los Anillos, El Hobbit, Fan Film Foro sobre Tolkien, su vida y su obra: El Silmarillion, El Hobbit, El Señor de los Anillos, la Tierra Media Foro sobre los ilustradores de la obra de Tolkien, trabajos de los fans, páginas web, música, juegos y rol Foro sobre otras obras de Ciencia-Ficción y Fantasía que nos apasionan

precios orientativos
(26 de Enero de 2004, a las 01:28)

esta es la información del moderador del foro. Es para orientar, no son precios definitivos, como bien dice. Te pongo aqui lo que decia en el foro.

from AAAevents:

- You may buy a ticket to enter the event and wander around stalls and view free seminars etc. but it won't give you access to the main theatre or photo signing sessions. This will give you access to the exhibition hall only. Estimated price £5 - £10
- Tickets to the exhibition hall + main theatre (cast Q&A, quizzes etc) will be graded on where you sit (Gold, Silver, Bronze or Standard seating is available), price estimated between £30 - £80.
- You may buy a gold ticket for the three days which mean that you will keep your seat in the amin theatre for that period.
- Photo/signing sessions tickets will be sold separately to the tickets for the main theatre.
- If you buy a ticket to see a particular cast member, it will only be valid for that person.
- Tickets for sessions will be mainly sold prior to the event - one ticket per fan (or per couple), limited to 350 tickets per cast member per day. If however the cast member should see all 350 fans before the day is out, further tickets may be issued on site.
- If you buy a ticket to see a particular cast member, then only you go and see them, the session is just for you.
- The VIP banquet (cast and crew attending) is planned to be a posh affair, held after the colse of the main event, includes a four course meal, live music etc Wear a nice dress/outfit. Only 70 fans allowed. There may be one each night depending on cast availability, however this is not definite.
- Tickets will be sold online and credit cards can be used. Further details regarding credit card transactions will follow shortly.
- Ticket details, that is price and availability etc will go up late January / early Febuary
- Information pertaining to the sale of tickets will be issued before the tickets are available for purchase, to allow fans to decide which sections of the event they wish to attend.
- The guestlist will go up before the tickets are released for sale, so fans can see who is attending and purchase the corresponding tickets for the guests they wish to see.

http://www.iespana.es/spanishcat/esdla.htmcatwise (Hobbit)

Senescal (2319 mensajes)

History became Legend, Legend became Myth..

Educad a los niños y no será necesario castigar a los hombres.

No todos los hombres pueden ser grandes, pero pueden ser buenos.

My dear Sam, you cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole, for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be, and to do.(Frodo. El retorno del rey)
Desde el 31 de Enero de 2002

Reunion de fans con los actores¿? - Nuratar (25/01/04 15:58)
    Aquí lo tienes :) - _Mikau_ (25/01/04 16:00)
      alguien va a asistir? - catwise (25/01/04 16:07)
        Joer, yo de ir a Londrés... - Iker_Bolson (25/01/04 16:11)
          XDD es que a eso vamos - catwise (25/01/04 16:21)
            KDD?? - sarwen (25/01/04 18:00)
              KDD?? - Doncella elfa (26/01/04 15:00)
        Yo voy a ir :p - _Mikau_ (25/01/04 18:44)
          precios orientativos - catwise (26/01/04 01:28)
            precios orientativos - _Mikau_ (26/01/04 02:34)
        No quiero ser aguafiestas, pero... - Haradrim (25/01/04 23:01)
          si tienes razón - catwise (26/01/04 01:32)
    Reunion de fans con los actores¿? - Moria1 (25/01/04 19:07)
      Además..... - Moria1 (25/01/04 19:10)
    me alegro.. - Laytaine (25/01/04 20:27)
      Por supuesto! XD - _Mikau_ (25/01/04 21:25)

Por favor, inicie sesión para poder participar en el foro


Este foro tiene como tema las películas de El Señor de los Anillos, El Hobbit, fan-film y similares, siempre inspiradas o basadas en la obra de Tolkien. Están prohibidos mensajes que no tengan una relación directa con el tema.

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Colaboramos con: Doce Moradas, Ted Nasmith, John Howe.
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