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Gandalf, un mago "popular"
(31 de Octubre de 2002, a las 21:12)

¿Era Gandalf popular entre sus amigos?

Top Ten Reasons that of all the Wizards, You Might not Be the Most Popular....

When you've finally accomplished your greatest task of saving just about everyone in Middle Earth, all of your friends are extremely anxious to put you on the next ship to some old, forgotten land very far away.

When your best friend is about to become the King of Gondor, marry the love of his life, and ultimately rule most of Middle Earth, he doesn't even thank you for saving his butt all those millions of times out there on the battlefield.

Somehow, whenever you visit an old and powerful Lord, you end up driving this ruler to suicidal means; only when you really need him alive and well, does he follow through with his threats (and not only that, he tries to kill his only remaining son too!)

One of your most devout halfling associates has an uncanny urge to replace a powerful crystal ball you are sleeping with with a large, hard boulder.

Kings of distant lands will lend you only the horses everyone else is too frightened to touch, much less ride.

The head of your wizard council wants desperately to see you perched atop a small tower for all eternity, and will go to any means to make sure this happens.

When trapped between death and escape, your companions rush on, leaving YOU to defend them against the only being in Middle Earth they know you cannot defeat.

When travelling in a dark, damp, foul smelling cave full of unimaginable horrors, your so-called 'friends' push you on ahead to check out the evil looking passages.

All your fellow wizards and spirits detest even the sound of your voice, except for one abnormally slow one who lives all alone in the woods and loves small fury animals.

Whenever you arrive in a city, the people of the land automatically assume that something very terrible is about to happen.

No se si alguno conoceriais ya el texto... espero que os haya gustado.


No está dado de alta, o tiene registro antiguo

Gandalf, un mago "popular" - Arun (31/10/02 21:12)
    ¿No está prohibido en ingles? s/t - Beregond de M.Tirith (31/10/02 21:56)
    oye¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ - Altair Lenaf (31/10/02 22:09)
    Arun, traduce, por favor... - Meduseld (01/11/02 00:23)
      Traduccion porfa - Ekebrand (01/11/02 01:02)
    Como no tngo na q acer... - villalobos47004 (01/11/02 01:12)
      Ahi va - villalobos47004 (01/11/02 01:30)
        hey gracias x la traduccion (s/t) - Ngalad (01/11/02 02:24)
    Arun, donde conseguiste el texto? - Lady Greenleaf (01/11/02 03:06)
      En una web... - Arun (01/11/02 15:36)

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