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Canción de la EEdC #1 en Rohan!!
(03 de Febrero de 2003, a las 18:57)

como buena corresponsal en Rohan q soy de la EEdC, conviene q os ponga la canción q más suena por aki esta semana: Gollum from the cave. Esta interpretada por nuestro queridisimo Gollum y los hobbits Frodo y Sam, versionando la cancion Jenny from the block the Jennifer Lopez, Styles y Jadakiss. Ahí va:


Children growing
Women producing
men go working some go stealing
everyone's got to make a livin'

S.A.M yeah
Frodo yeah

we off Hobbiton this year
went from Bree to Amon hen this year
Everybody mad by the ring that I wear
I know where I'm going and I know where I'm from, we're going to Mordor by foot
Yeah we're at Emyn Muil "ouch" we lost, from river Anduin where everybody separete there
With a new companion here nothin' honest with us make the road get the ring bring it to Sauron he wants

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)

From river Anduin
to Mordor lands
to my precious
to the fish
to this deadmarshes
I stay alone
in this God lands
I'm hobbit I thought I told ya
I really been on Mordor
That's just me
Nothing badly
don't hate on me
what you get is what you see

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)

I'm in Ithilien right now
with my ring let out
I've catch up some fish
I'm eating it and lovin' it
Singin' got you laughin' kid
I hate my life
I want my ring
Put Ring first
and can't forget
to steal it
for me it's like breathing

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)

It take hard work to arrive here, so don't be fooled by the inocence of that gollum
You don't know what you're talking about, that Smeagol it's one we can count on
After some days you'll see what i'm talking, just keep your eye fixed in that ugly creature
best thing to do is trust him, we have to get in there, we have to get in there

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still
I'm still
Gollum from the cave
Used to have my precious
now I have a fish
no matter where i go
I know where I come from (from the cave!)

espero q os haya gustado, proximamente os pondre la cancion # 1 traducida a la Lengua comun

White Lady

No está dado de alta, o tiene registro antiguo

Canción de la EEdC #1 en Rohan!! - White Lady (03/02/03 18:57)
    en Oestron!! - White Lady (03/02/03 19:10)
    xDDD - Anthelea Teler (03/02/03 19:16)
    felicidades compañera :-) s/t - Lobelia Tuk (04/02/03 15:25)

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Colaboramos con: Doce Moradas, Ted Nasmith, John Howe.
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