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Jeje, lo q hace un buscador
(13 de Octubre de 2001, a las 14:28)

Jejejejejeje, creia q no iba a poder encontrar el lugar donde lo lei, pero las maravillas q hace un buscador si sabes poner las palabras clave adecuadas
Te remito, ^Beren^, bueno y a todos los interesados, el fragmento del ensayo q hace referencia a Celeborn, Aman, Olwë y la madre q los trajo a todos. Lo dejo en inglés, pq soy muy vago y pq si empiezo con traducciones puede parecer q me lo he inventado:

"Elwe´s family producs a few mysteries, too. For example, in Unfinished Tales Christopher Tolkien mentions "Thingol´s brother Elmo -- a shadowy figure about whom nothing is told save that he was the younger brother of Elwe (Thingol) and Olwe, and was ´beloved of Elwe with whom he remained´." Elmo was presumed to be the grandfather of Celeborn through a son named Galadhon. Celeborn had a brother, Galathil, who was the father of Nimloth, Dior´s wife in The Silmarilion. Many years late, Tolkien decided that Celeborn was an Elf of Aman, a grandson of Olwe. Such a relationship would have made him Galadriel´s first cousin, and such a marriage was supposed to be forbidden or at least disapproved of by the Eldar. Many people like to argue that this was Tolkien´ final decision on Celeborn and therefore it should be accepted, but the problem is that Celeborn´s ancestry in Aman does not fit with the published texts. There is, in fact, little explanation for how Celebor and Galadriel should arrive in Middle-earth, and it´s impossible to reconcile Galadriel´s history as established in The Road Goes Ever On with this late conception of Celeborn, in which she and Celeborn had the Valars permission to leave Aman before Feanor launched his rebellion.
In The Lord of the Rings, Celeborn is presented as a Sindarin Elf, related to Thingol of Doriath. But this information came late, too. Celeborn was originally conceived as a Wood Elf, according to Christopher Tolkien. He may have been silverhaired like Thingol, but he was not an Elda at all. As the years passed and Tolkien developed the Silmarillion mythology more fully, Celeborn became an important validation of Thingol´s family. That is, Thingol had to have relatives, so that it would be clear he was not all alone in the woods. The Silmarillion tells us that Thingol´ friends and kinfolk mostly stayed behind to search for him. Doriath must have been a pretty cozy little place the first thousand years or so, and it would have been hard to cheat at cards because everyone knew everyone else."

Halá q ladrillo! Pues ese es el fragmento. Y de verdad, me parece un poco fuera de lugar q Celeborn fuera a Aman con Olwë, pero para q nos vamos a engañar, a estas alturas, cuando uno se conoce la genealogia de Elmo, de Amdír, de Oropher y del cuñado del maestro de armas de Thingol este tipo de sorpresas todavia me hacen volar la imaginacion.

Y para luthiniel, q tb he leido su mensaje, quiero decirle q me referia a q Celeborn se fue con Olwe cuando el Gran Viaje de los Eldar, no en la Cuarta Edad, cuando marchó desde los Puertos Grises hacia Aman (eso sí estaria flipante, q Celeborn hubiera vuelto en la 5ª Edad a la TM XDDDD .
Y sobre el texto, si hay alguien realmente interesado en él y no domina suficientemente el inglés, q me lo diga, q le haré un resumen.
Saludos a todos.


No está dado de alta, o tiene registro antiguo

Celeborn, Teleri pero no Sinda? - Emilioaragorn (13/10/01 13:44)
    Celeborn, Teleri pero no Sinda? - luthiniel (13/10/01 13:54)
      Celeborn, Teleri pero no Sinda? - Emilioaragorn (13/10/01 14:08)
      Celeborn, Teleri pero no Sinda? - Emilioaragorn (13/10/01 14:09)
        Celeborn, Teleri pero no Sinda? - Barahun (13/10/01 14:12)
          Jeje, lo q hace un buscador - Emilioaragorn (13/10/01 14:28)
            Jeje, lo q hace un buscador - Curufin (13/10/01 14:49)
          Celeborn, Teleri pero no Sinda? - Eärwen Luinnárë (13/10/01 14:46)
        parece que no - luthiniel (13/10/01 14:12)
    DATOS REVELADORES - Emilioaragorn (13/10/01 22:08)
      DATOS REVELADORES - luinil (13/10/01 22:16)
        DATOS REVELADORES - Curufin (13/10/01 22:29)
      DATOS REVELADORES - Curufin (13/10/01 22:32)

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