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Y el gazapo del coche es el 4º...
(11 de Junio de 2002, a las 23:01)

Esta es la clasificación actual de los 20 Gazapos preferidos por los votantes de Movie-Mistakes:

1 Star Wars When the stormtroopers break into the control room, watch very carefully and you will be able to see a storm trooper nearly render himself unconscious by smacking his head off a door frame.
2 Attack of the Clones On Tatooine, Amidala presses a button to retransmit the message from Obi-wan. A moment later, she presses the same button to bring up the map showing Obi-wan's location and the distances between Tatooine and Couruscant. Not only does this same button do double duty, but with one press it knows she wants to show the location of the three planets.
3 Gladiator After the battle with the Germans, the next morning after the tavern, he is walking in the army camp and he feeds a horse a piece of apple. If you look closely between Maximus and the horse, there is a crewman wearing a pair of blue jeans.
4 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring In the scene where Sam and Frodo are in the field with the scarecrow, you can plainly see a car cruising past in the distance, from right to left. This holds the dubious distinction of being the first urban myth (of sorts) spawned by this site - some people swear blind there's a car there, others insist there's nothing at all. All I can say is watch it and make up your own mind. If there is a car, they'll delete it for the DVD release, so get in there quickly! Further comment - there are two different shots which show the car moving from right to left. One starts at the top right distance, and in a shot a few seconds later the car has travelled down the road a bit and is more easily visible. Complicating matters is that the dust thrown up by the car looks similar to smoke from a chimney in the right distance, making some people think it is just the chimney. But chimneys don't move, and the smoke from the chimney is separate from the moving vehicle.
5 Gladiator In the battle with the Barbarian Horde one of the chariots is turned over. Once the dust settles you can see a gas cylinder in the back of the chariot.
6 Spider-Man In the scene where Mary Jane is being mugged by four men, Spider-Man throws two of the men into two windows behind Mary Jane. Then the camera goes back to Spider-Man beating up the other two guys. When the camera goes back to Mary Jane the two windows are intact.
7 The Wizard of Oz The album "Dark side of the moon" by Pink Floyd seems to be in sync with the Wizard of Oz if you start it right after the MGM lion roars the third time.
8 Spider-Man During the end sequence, Spider-Man originally did his final swing through the World Trade Center towers, landing on top of the tower with a flagpole on top. This was changed after September 11th so that he lands on the Empire State Building instead. However, during the pan around him after the landing, you can still see the Empire State Building, which he just landed on, in the background!
9 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone At the start of term feast, after Harry is sorted into Gryffindor, he sits down on the right side of the table next to Ron. When the feast appears, Harry is on the other side of the table, next to Hermione.
10 Titanic Why oh why is one of the people getting on the life boats wearing a digital watch? Surely they weren't around in 1912?
11 Attack of the Clones When Amidala & Anakin are eating and he cuts her a piece of the fruit and "floats" it back to her, the bite appears in the fruit a split second before she actually eats it.
12 Titanic When the ship is sinking, and Rose and Jack are running through the inside of the ship, you can blatantly see cameras and crew outside the window.
13 The Matrix When Neo is going to open the door to enter the Oracle's house, you can clearly see a camera on the doorknob.
14 The Fast and the Furious In the 4 car race with Brian, Dominic, Eddie and the Asian guy, Brian blows out his passenger side floor plate after using the second Nos burst. But when he picks up Dominic to escape from the cops, Dominic sits comfortably in the passenger seat.
15 The Matrix Neo and Trinity kill all those soldiers on the roof before the agent comes to fight them. The agent shoots at Neo and during the whole dodging bullets scene every single corpse is gone. More to the point, Trinity's disappeared too!
16 Titanic The lake that Jack told Rose he went ice fishing on when she was threatening to jump is a man-made lake in Wisconsin near Chippewa Falls (where Jack grew up). The lake was only filled with water in 1917, 5 years after Titanic sank.
17 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are telling Hagrid that Snape is trying to steal the stone, he tells them that Snape helped protect the stone, and 'he's not about to steal it'. So far so good, sticks to the book. However when they actually try to save the stone, Snape's challenge, the logic one with potions, is missing!
18 The Matrix When Neo is out on the scaffolding and looses his phone, in one shot you see the phone falling towards an empty street, then you cut to Neo, and then back to the falling phone. This time the street is filled with people and a big parade.
19 Pearl Harbor When Evelyn first enters Pearl Harbor, there is a tall building that clearly says, "Est. 1953." Obviously this is a little ahead of the times.
20 The Wizard of Oz After the scarecrow gets a brain, he states the Pythagorean Theorem. However, he incorrectly says it applies to an isosceles triangle when it applies to a right triangle. Guess he got a defective brain from the wizard...

Como veis, no se libra ni el Potter...

Drow_male (Enano Mezquino)

Senescal (1343 mensajes)

No sus olvidéis de Alatar y Pallando!!!
Desde el 28 de Septiembre de 2001

ESDLA-LCDA, tercera en gazapos!!!!! - Drow_male (11/06/02 22:56)
    Y el gazapo del coche es el 4º... - Drow_male (11/06/02 23:01)
    en que web esta eso? (s/t) - sam (11/06/02 23:01)
      www.movie-mistakes.com(s/t) - Drow_male (11/06/02 23:06)
    ESDLA-LCDA, tercera en gazapos!!!!! - Elfstone (11/06/02 23:02)
      ¿motivo de orgullo curiosidad?ST - umi luna (11/06/02 23:18)
    ESDLA-LCDA, tercera en gazapos!!!!! - Ramaviva (12/06/02 00:22)
      Y os puedo asegurar... - Tio Gamyi (12/06/02 00:42)
    117? tantos? no me lo creo.. - cat (12/06/02 04:11)
      117? tantos? no me lo creo.. - Elfstone (12/06/02 10:14)
        pero muchos no son gazapos... - cat (12/06/02 18:13)

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