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A Frodo
(23 de Febrero de 2002, a las 15:56)

Hola, estas son dos canciones q, aunq no tengan nada q ver con el tema, me recuerdan a Frodo, la segunda más a la relación Frodo-Sam. Son de Lacuna Coil, os recomiendo q lo escucheis. Si teneis algún problema con la traducción del inglés, puedo intentar ayudaros. En la segunda los de "mother" y "girl", sé q no queda bien, pero no quería cambiar la letra. Sé que son bastante tristes.
Espero q os gusten y me deis vuestra opinión.
Saludos desde el Bosque Negro.


I stand, looking my hand
I talk with these lines
That's not the answer
I cry and now I know
looking the sky
I search an answer
So free, free to be
I'm not another liar
I just want to be myself… myself
And now the beat inside of me
is a sort of a cold breeze and I've
never any feeling inside
around me…
I bring my body
carry it into another world
I know I live… but like a stone I'm falling down
Damned, looking into the sky
I can feel this rain
right now it's falling on me
fly, I just want to fly
life is all mine
some day I cry alone,
but I know I'm not the only one
I see that another day is gone
I don't wanna die…
Please be here when I'll arrive, don't die… please


Mother the day has come
Someone is trying to take my life away
And you've got to know
That now I'm feeling worst
It seems to dream

I'm still standing here in front
Of your soul
Looking into your fireless eyes
Right now I'm one too many
It's hard to say you may believe it

That everything I'll do for me
(It is something for...
We are living no more)
Will be in the name of your lonely tear
But stay now
I'll do
I believe in your power
Will you believe in me?

Can't you tell me girl
What I should say and where I'll go tonight?
Maybe in a dream
I'll go between the sun and shining stars

don't worry
I'll be there with you whenever you are
Right now I'm one too many
It's hard to say
You must believe it

Deep in you heart so alone

Anein (Elfo Silvano)

Senescal (1077 mensajes)

Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summers gone, and all the flowers are dying
Tis you, is you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summers in the meadow
Or when the valleys hushed and white with snow
Tis Ill be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
Youll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.

And I shall hear, tho soft you tread above
Desde el 04 de Febrero de 2002

A Frodo - Anein (23/02/02 15:56)
    A Frodo - Irrel Montenegro (23/02/02 20:20)

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