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El link (muy REV)
(28 de Octubre de 2003, a las 21:04)


[le faltaba la almohadilla]

Y si sigue sin funcionar, aquí teneis el texto (que yo si había copiado por si, para variar, se me ocurría traducirlo y mandarlo a las noticias )


This extended edition includes more than 43 minutes of new scenes and footage, added by director Peter Jackson just for this DVD release. As with the Fellowship extended cut, these new moments add tremendous depth and development to certain characters, give a greater sense of epic scope to the journey, provide wonderful new moments of humor and greatly enhance the intensity of the major battle scenes. Here's a detailed rundown of the new footage you can expect to see on this DVD:

A new opening scene, after Gandalf's fall in Moria, in which we see Sam and Frodo climbing down a rocky crevasse using the Elven rope (the title The Two Towers now appears at the start of this scene).

Sam and Frodo getting rained on in the mountains as Gollum watches from a cliff above them.

Gollum's good and bad selves fighting over whether or not to lead Sam and Frodo to Mordor.

The Orcs arguing about their orders, and Pippen asking them to give a wounded Merry some water.

More of Saruman the White overseeing the construction of his Orc army, including his ordering the destruction of Fangorn Forest to fuel his furnaces, as well as the Wildmen pledging allegiance to him.

More of the villages of Rohan being plundered by the Wildmen.

Éomer finding a mortally-wounded Théodred at the scene of a great battle with Saruman's Orcs.

More of Gríma Wormtongue banishing Éomer from Rohan.

More of the Orcs fighting over whether or not to eat Merry and Pippin, including the realization that they believe the two Hobbits are carrying the Ring.

Gollum complaining of his hunger in the Dead Marshes, eating a worm and playing on Frodo's knowledge of the Ring.

Leoglas talking about the trees in Fangorn Forest, and how Elves first raised them into intelligent creatures long ago.

More of Gandalf the White's return in Fangorn, in which he talks about what's happening in Edoras and how, because of Merry and Pippin's arrival in the forest, the Ents are going to wake up and fight.

Treebeard reciting Ent poetry to Merry and Pippin, which puts them to sleep.

Gandalf telling Aragorn about events to come on the way to Edoras: "Sauron fears what you may become." Gandalf says Sauron doesn't suspect that the plan is to destroy The Ring rather than use it.

Merry and Pippin drinking a potion in Fangorn that causes them to grow, then getting trapped in the roots of a tree until Treebeard saves them.

Treebeard telling Merry and Pippin why there are so few Ents left.

Wormtongue spitting on Aragorn's outstretched hand before he escapes after being spared in Edoras.

Aragorn calming a horse named Brego in the stables of Edoras with Elvish talk, as Éowyn watches.

Saruman grumbling about Gandalf's reappearance, then learning of Aragorn's existence from Wormtongue.

King Théoden promising that they'll return to Edoras before leading his people to Helm's Deep.

More of Faramir capturing Frodo and Sam.

Aragorn and Théoden talking about Éowyn on the road to Helm's Deep.

Aragorn and Éowyn talking about his great age over a bowl of bad stew.

Extended flashback moments of Aragorn and Arwen together in Rivendale.

More intense footage of the battle with the Warg Riders.

Éowyn checking on the meager food stores upon arrival at Helm's Deep.

More of Faramir telling Sam and Frodo of Boromir's death, and of finding the Horn of Gondor broken.

A major new flashback scene in which we see Boromir and Faramir after reclaiming Osgiliath for Gondor. We learn that their father, Denethor, disapproves of Faramir. Denethor tells Boromir about the meeting that's been called by Elrond in Rivendale - the Ring has been found. Denethor sends Boromir to the meeting, and orders him to bring the Ring back to Gondor to save their people.

Faramir's men beating Gollum before questioning.

Aragorn and Éowyn talking before the battle of Helm's Deep. Éowyn says she wants to fight at his side, and basically admits that she loves him.

More of the Ent council in the woods - it's already night, but the Ents have only just finished saying "Good morning" to each other.

Much more intense footage during the battle at Helm's Deep.

The trees of Fangorn Forest marching to Helm's Deep, to get revenge on the Orcs.

The Orcs fleeing Helm's Deep, only to be swallowed up by the trees which have blocked their escape.

A very funny moment between Legolas and Gimli in which they brag to each other about the number of Orcs they've each killed in the battle.

Merry and Pippin discovering a pantry filled with food after the battle at Isengard.

And finally, Faramir leading Frodo and Sam out of Osgiliath. Sam tells Faramir that he's finally shown his quality - the very best. Faramir threatens Gollum as to what will happen if the Hobbits come to harm. As they depart for Mordor, Sam is kind to Gollum for the first time, telling him that Frodo only meant to save him by letting Faramir's men take him prisoner.

So that's a rundown of all the new footage. As far as the bonus discs, we only stayed to watch Disc Three. But what we saw included incredibly in-depth documentaries on J.R.R. Tolkien's development of the story of The Two Towers, in the context of The Lord of the Rings as a whole, how the filmmakers struggled to adapt this second book and the changes they had to make in order for the story to work on-screen, and the incredible efforts of actor Andy Serkis, the team of special effects artists at Weta Digital and the writers to bring the character of Gollum to life. You might think you know how much work was involved in creating the first digital character to give a realistic dramatic performance on film, but it was even tougher than you can imagine.

**********************************************(estas estrellitas no sirven para nada, pero son tan monas...y dos caritas de hobbit sonriente: , que tampoco sirven para nada pero le dan un colorido al post que no está nada mal)

Un besito


No está dado de alta, o tiene registro antiguo

Mas escenas del DVD EE L2T - elnuevofrodo (28/10/03 20:45)
    no va el link... - kano92 (28/10/03 20:50)
      no va el link... - Ireth Tinehtele (28/10/03 20:52)
        Las han quitado... :-( - elnuevofrodo (28/10/03 20:55)
          Las han quitado... :-( - eugenyi (28/10/03 20:57)
    El link (muy REV) - Nachete (28/10/03 21:04)
      Gracias Nachete - elnuevofrodo (28/10/03 21:07)
      ahoro solo falta la traduccion s/t - laytaine (28/10/03 21:07)
      me gusta... (muy REV) - kano92 (28/10/03 21:15)
        Concuerdo contigo - elnuevofrodo (28/10/03 21:22)
          contad algo en castellano plis! - Annael (28/10/03 21:27)
            traduccion 1ª parte - catwise (28/10/03 22:01)
            traduccion 2ª parte - catwise (28/10/03 22:53)
              a ver si es asi lo de Sam :-) - catwise (28/10/03 23:17)
                ojalá :D - elf-moon (28/10/03 23:21)
                Excelente Trabajo :-) - elnuevofrodo (28/10/03 23:52)
                  Estaba antes en noticias - Leandro (28/10/03 23:56)
                    Pues tambien felicidades :-) - elnuevofrodo (29/10/03 00:02)
                    jur, ando mas perdia - catwise (29/10/03 00:05)
                    errores de traducción - catwise (29/10/03 00:30)
                muchas gracias catwise s/t - Annael (29/10/03 16:49)
        pero........ mas Arwen??? - Lobelia Tuk (28/10/03 23:22)
          Pero si no sale tantoooo - elf-moon (28/10/03 23:23)
            yo si..... :-P - Lobelia Tuk (28/10/03 23:28)
              si yo te dijera.... - elf-moon (28/10/03 23:40)
            a mi me sobra eowyn-aragorn - catwise (28/10/03 23:29)
              jejeje, vale :-P - Lobelia Tuk (28/10/03 23:34)
                ni en el libro me gusta :p - catwise (29/10/03 00:36)
              juassssss XDDDD REV - elf-moon (28/10/03 23:36)
        pues hay escenas (muy REV) - kano92 (28/10/03 23:52)
          Sin duda alguna... - elnuevofrodo (28/10/03 23:56)
          yo tambien :( - (Elessar) (29/10/03 00:08)
            yo tambien :( - Dark_Shadow (29/10/03 04:11)
          uyy - Lily_Bleecker_Bolson (29/10/03 09:13)
        Si...(REV) - Sr.Rubio (29/10/03 00:24)
      confirmaciones - alvaron (28/10/03 22:38)
        ¡¡que lastima!! - Lily_Bleecker_Bolson (29/10/03 09:14)
    cuando saldrá?? - Dunedën (28/10/03 21:08)
      19 o 17 de noviembre s/t - laytaine (28/10/03 21:09)
      el 18 de noviembre - catwise (28/10/03 21:27)
    Habrá sorpresas? - Neo- (29/10/03 00:33)
    juajajaja mirad esto - Lily_Bleecker_Bolson (29/10/03 08:59)
      Ay, qué cute....... XD - Anne_Took (29/10/03 17:29)
    Boromir/Denethor - galadwen (29/10/03 09:07)
      ¿Cómo sabe Denethor del anillo? - Dimthulë (29/10/03 09:33)
        como no haya sido Sauron... REV - elf-moon (29/10/03 09:59)
    cosas que sí, que no, que ns/nc - tar calion II (29/10/03 11:40)
      ¿Y el sueño? - Warren Keffer (29/10/03 18:31)
        Por no leer :P - Warren Keffer (29/10/03 18:41)

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